Conveniently located in Camillo, This property is in close proximity to local schools, parks and local shops. Also easy access to Kelmscott Train station.
Available 15/12/2023
Property features are as follows;
- Main bedroom with ceiling fan and walk in robe
- Front formal lounge with split system a/c and ceiling fans
- Kitchen with meals area, microwave recess & overhead cupboards
- 2nd & 3rd bedroom with ceiling fans
- Double carport
- Easy care paved patio area and large grassed area
- Pets considered, dependent on type
This is our preferred application platform (You may be asked to resubmit your application if this platform is not used)
Regal Gateway Property accepts online applications via our website, Please note that inspection of property is required prior to processing of any application.
Please contact Regal Rentals on 9414 3788 to arrange a viewing or email
Please note that inspection of property is required prior to processing of any application. You must register online as you will then receive updates regarding viewing times/dates via text and/or email.
*Information Disclaimer: This document has been prepared for advertising and marketing purposes only. It is believed to be reliable and accurate, but prospective tenants must make their own independent enquiries and must rely on their own personal judgement about the information included in this document. Regal Gateway Property provides this document without any express or implied warranty as to its accuracy. Any reliance placed upon this document is at the tenant's own risk. Regal Gateway Property accept no responsibility for the results of any actions taken, or reliance placed upon this document by a tenant.
089 414 3788
08 9414 3788
10/79 Lyon Road
Atwell WA 6164
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Don't forget to confirm your attendance via the book inspection button
Book InspectionWith our agency, you can book Property Inspections 24/7 on your computer, tablet or smartphone. When you do, you will receive an immediate response confirming your booking via email and SMS. Should the property be leased, the inspection time changed or cancelled for any reason, you will be informed the second it happens keeping you up to date.
You can also change or cancel your booking at any time if you no longer wish to attend or the times are no longer suitable. As part of your booking, we will send you reminders of the inspection as well as directions to the property to make the process of inspecting the property seamless.
Finally, should you wish to apply for the property, all of the relevant information including PDF or online applications details will be provided so you can apply as quickly as possible.
A copy of the General Tenancy Agreement for this property, including all special conditions is available via the following link:
Apply onlineFor more information about renting through Regal Gateway Property, head to
Regal Gateway Property